Sustanon 250mg 1Amp



Sustanon is the brand name for a product containing a mixture of substances testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone and testosterone decanoate isocaproate. Sustanon is generally well tolerated and has no side effects on the liver.

Sustanon injectable can be classed as a four-component testosterone – testosterone mix. Four different active substances are so matched to ensure long duration of action in the body. The duration of action of testosterone mix Sustanon is about 21 days. It is most frequently abused in volume periods when even at low doses can shortly after intake significantly increases the strength of the current potential for a substantial increase in muscle mass.

Sustanon dosage:
Testosterone phenylpropionate have a slower onset of action and a long-acting. Testosterone decanoate has a slow onset of action and a long-term effect. By combining these testosterone esters is achieved in Sustanon rapid onset of action after injection and the effect for about three weeks. Sustanon injectable is used either for the steroid cycle, for first half Sustanon is dosed once every 4-7 days in an amount from 250 mg to 1500 mg per week. Duration of use is 8-12 weeks. Testosterone propionate has a rapid onset and short-lived.

Sustanon side effects:
Higher and higher doses Sustanon requires the use of an aromatase inhibitor that is used for disabling the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for conversion of testosterone to estrogen – will effectively stop the production of estrogen at the base. Sustanon may cause the following side effects: water retention and bloating, blood pressure looks (as a result of water retention), increased fat possible retention / gain, and gynecomastia.